An oldie from the old gym! "Susan's Walk"
Max Rounds in 20 minutes:
Power Cleans x3 (3rd rep keep it racked on shoulders)
Push Press x3 (3rd rep keep it overhead)
Walk or Run 75 ft. w/weight overhead
Men 95 lb., Women 65 lb. through whole workout
Agility Focus: Agility ladder drills, Cone Drills
3 times around 2 cones, resistance 4 cone touches - 2x through
Strength Focus
Deadlift 1RM
Welcome to LeAnn and Shawn, visiting from CF Southwest (Tempe)!
Tanner was stoked about the Agility Warmup today!
Best comment of the day: Andrew's response to "My friend, Susan, created this workout and it was one of Chloe's favorite at the old gym." - "And now they work as a dominatrix in New York City." Ha! Yes, it was a painful one!