Congrats to all 9 teams that competed in the Furious Five- Forces Unite competition this past weekend! (Sarah B, Liz, Sara J. and Julie are missing from this picture) CrossFit Flagstaff athletes gave everything they had to compete, coach, support and above all have FUN! So PROUD of every one! Thank you for an amazing day!
WOD #1: 2 mile run carrying empty barbell
CrossFit WOD: See this video for a demonstration
Each member must do at least one rep at each step of the ladder. Each step must be completed before the next step can be started.
30 Partner Burpees
25 Ground to Overhead (135, 115, 95)
20 Pullups
15 Thrusters (135, 115, 95)
10 Right Arm Kettle bell Overhead Squats (53, 53/35, 35)
10 Left Arm Kettle bell Overhead Squats (53, 53/35, 35)
15 Thrusters (135, 115, 95)
20 Pullups
25 Ground to Overhead (135, 115, 95)
30 Partner Burpees
Police WOD: Police Workout: At the start of the workout the team’s clock starts and is locked into a box. The first half of the workout earns you the right to see the combination one time. The second part of the workout earns you the chance to open the box with the combination from memory.Video demonstration
Stage 1
Partner A runs a 50m shuttle run and tags partner B
Partner B runs a 50m shuttle run
20 simultaneous games style push-ups
Partner A runs a 50m shuttle run and tags partner B
Partner B runs a 50m shuttle run
Partner A buddy drags Partner B 25m
Partner B buddy drags Partner A back 25m
Team gets to view combination for as long as desired before moving on to next stage
Stage 2:
Partner A begins rowing toward a team cumulative total of calories
Partner B begins obstacle course
Lunge step with 5kg plate in shooter’s position for 25m
Zig zag cone run
Scale 2 walls
Return to partner
Partners switch places and repeat
When second team member returns AND total calories has met the minimum (50 women, 60 co-ed, 70 men) both team members move to the box to open it and stop their timer.
Fire Fighter WOD:
Each stage of this chipper needs to be completed before the team moves on to the next stage together. Video demonstration
Partner A bear crawls 200 feet while Partner B sledge drives a 45lb plate 40 feet.
When both athletes are finished, switch places; Partner B bear crawls while Partner A sledge drives the same plate.
Rope Climbs (8 for men, 6 for co-ed, 4 for women)
30 Box Jump Overs
Partner water carry 15 gallons for 160 meters
10 gallon minimum required by end of carry or repeat to completion
Partner A buddy carries Partner B 80 meters
Partner B buddy carries Partner A 80 meters to finish line
Top 4 teams in each division got to compete in a final winner take all WOD. Izzy and Tara were in 4th place and got to try their hand at the Yoke!
WOD 5: Yoke Carry 50 meters out and back (330#)
35 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
Yoke Push (330#) 50 meters out and back
View the Flickr Furious 5 Photo Album